Dug Dug

Title Typography | 2021

Ritwik Pareek commissioned me to design a bold and beautiful multilingual title typography set in the world of a visually striking and musically infectious satire – Dug Dug where mysterious events in the wake of a freak motorcycle accident sow the seeds of a new religion. The brief was to incorporate the old technicolor film look with a twist of 80’s synth wave color scheme of blue and pink. Angular calligraphy from traditions of Indian manuscript writing and old gothic type paralleling the contagious power of faith and its metaphysical were inspirations for the title design.

Rajasthani Miniature Painting

The Mughal miniature painting was an obvious starting point that adorn the walls of architecture in Rajasthan, the location where the story takes place.


Curry Western Film Titles

“Curry Westerns” films combined the conventions of Indian dacoit films such as Mother India (1957) and Gunga Jumna (1961) with that of Spaghetti Westerns.


Spaghetti Western Film Titles

Spaghetti-western movies were a huge inspiration for Dug Dug’s cinematography.


Art and frames from the film were given as references to understand the look and feel of the film before the edit was complete


The tail of the spirit stuck out as an interesting visual anchor. I tried to subtly cue the tail in the typography.

Dug Dug for TitleRecall-Latin-W 1
Dug Dug for TitleRecall-Devanagari-W 1



Handpainted miniature style details being added at Mohini Art Studio, Jaipur